Monday, March 23, 2009

Ummm..... You like to eat what????

No thanks, I'm not hungry...

New Steering Wheel, HOORAY!!!!

I installed a new sport steering wheel yesterday, it's from a Viggen or an Aero, it doesnt matter because it's all kinds of awesome!! The install was as easy as they get. Old wheel off, new wheel on, smile. It added 15hp and 5 rarity points, give yourself 3 gearhead and 5 geek points if you know what I am talking about. Thanks to Josh and Jorge for help and the margarita. Can't blog now, gotta shine up my new wheel with armor all.

Legal Disclaimer: Do not under any circumstances put armor all on your steering wheel!!! Unless you believe it gives you 15hp, then go nuts!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Pattys Day

Corned beef, cooked cabbage, and potatoes... Damn that was good!!! A couple of Guiness', a couple of Smithwicks and my evening was complete. It was fun hanging out with Ken, Roen and the Jones family for a few hours. Good work Zach, start 'em early...
Many thanks to Mac's Industrial!!!!!
See you soon.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Keep Your Business To Yourself

The following events happened on the Thursday March 12th,

So I tweeted, twooted, twated, whatever the hell it is about this earlier, with
“Keep your business to yourself”. Here’s what happened. Around noon I head up to get some lunch at one of the cafeterias in the "undisclosed location" where I work. Its pasta bar this week and its damn good, being such there is a lengthy line or “queue”, as the brits like to call it, I like how that sounds as well… So any who I take my place in the “queue” and wait for my carb filled goodness. About 5 minutes pass, when a girl standing behind me busts out her cell phone and starts shouting, well not quite shouting but in most western countries it would be considered shouting, about how she didn’t get her child support or section 8 or something to that effect. For those of you who don’t know what section 8 is let me school you on a bit of the ‘lingo. Section 8 is government assistance for housing; if you meet certain criteria, Uncle Sam will kick in some rent money to help you out. Got it?? OK, class dismissed. Now, the ceiling in the “undisclosed" cafeteria is relatively low which amplifies the young lady’s almost shouting to a point where everyone in the cafeteria can hear her and remember she’s standing right behind me! I’m trapped!! I can’t walk away, I’d lose my place in the “queue” and my opportunity to carbo-load. I can’t ask her to leave or quite down, who knows what ungodly wrath I would incur. There I stand an unwilling participant in what should be this clueless girl’s private conversation pretending not to hear anything she’s almost shouting. She first talks to someone who works for the government and processed her “case”, it seems the somehow her “support” got mixed up with the “support” her mother receives/d. Apparently, given her young age, the government thought her mother was still receiving child support from her father for her. However, she, the young girl almost shouting behind me, had moved out and was shown a letter stating that her mother would no longer be receiving any more child support from her father. You clear so far?? So, after much almost shouting the government tells her she will need a letter from her mom stating that she, the almost shouting girl’s mother, received the “support” and will keep it, then they will send her, the almost shouting girl, another check. Oh the pasta is so close yet so far away… Who does she call next??? MOMS. If you were wondering how I obtained such minute details of this girls life, let me remind you of her “ALMOST SHOUTING”, the “aesthetically pleasing but unfortunately low acoustic amplifying ceiling”, and her proximity, “STANDING RIGHT BEHIND ME”. Moms picks up the phone and the young lady gives her the whole story, it’s obvious that she and Moms are not pleased. More “almost shouting”, more “I can’t believe this”, and more “I thought you took care of that.” One thing I forgot to mention was the pasta line, or I mean “queue” is ridiculously slow; you can’t rush white and red sauce perfection. You just can’t… So with an empty belly I got an unwanted earful, but let me make this disclaimer, there is no shame in receiving “support” from the government. None. In this economy, lots and lots o people are on the “dole”. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been there and I know what gubment cheese tastes like... kinda greasy, like a wanna be Velveeta, but greasier.

So what’s the moral of the story??


Oh, and try some tomato with your gubment cheese samich, it ain't bad.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Blogspot, Engage!!

I've started a blog!!!

Now what??